Friday, August 20, 2010

captain paul watson

captain paul watson
On the sea shepherds crew application they ask, "are you willing to risk ur life for a whale?" and they mean it. captain paul watson carries a deep passion about saving the wildlife in the ocean stating that they are more important than humans are to the ecosystem and to the earth. paul has been involved with stopping the killing his whole life, and plans to do it until the day he dies. there are 60 billion people on this planet and paul watson was the only one that stood up and said hey this is wrong and actually intervened and has saved many lives of whales, unlike the greenpeace organization who just sits back and watches it happen, saying that they do not believe in violence,etc. the sea shepherd crew are very much willing to risk their lives for the whales. it should be obvious by how many boarding attemps, rams, and even just launching small boats. if you are willing to risk ur life to save a whale, go to and be a volunteer.

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